LUNCH: Spaghetti, Garlic Stick & Green Beans. WISHING A BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO… Beau Van Essen (2/2) & Colten Rozenboom (2/2)! WISHING A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO…Annabelle Koele! WISHING A HAPPY HALF-BIRTHDAY TO…Sarah Medema & Damon Eshuis!
GENERAL: - Parking tag checks this week - Please have your tag hanging from your rearview mirror or visible on your dash. Thank you! - Student-led Bible study will meet on Wednesday morning at 8:25 in Room 308.
SPEECH: - Individual Speech practice on Wednesday from 3:40-5:00. Attendance is mandatory. Contact Miss Bierma or Ms. Jeltema if you cannot make it. - All Individual Speech participants must sign up for a practice slot with Miss Bierma or Ms. Jeltema. See Classroom for the sign-up. - Tena L, Daniela M, Piper H, Rowan H – give Miss Bierma $25 for your Speech sweatshirt ASAP!
AG/FFA: - Strawberry Sales are due on Thursday! All profits from strawberry sales go to Lisa Van Otterloo & Levi Van Ravenswaay!
ATHLETICS: - Boys JVR/JV/V basketball plays home tonight vs MOC/FV. Freshmen game starts at 4:00, JV game at 5:00 and varsity game at 6:30.
Founded in 1919, Western Academy began as a four-year academic community accommodating grades 9-12. Renamed in the 1930s to Western Christian High School, the mission and values remain the same. Western Christian High School is dedicated to equipping our students to be faithful stewards of God’s Word.