Student Experience

Support Services

At Western Christian High School, we recognize our students’ unique creation and the variety of God-given talents and skills. We know that each student presents a unique combination of such strengths. Here is where we believe it our responsibility to meet students where they are at in their journey and supplement them with the tools and resources required to exceed their potential. 

Academic Registrar

The Academic Registrar Center works collaboratively with the Master Schedule to guide students in registering for courses. The Center aids students with the necessary information to align their selected course loads with graduation requirements, applicable college requirements, or where needed, the recommended coursework for students entering the workforce after graduation.

For more information regarding the Academic Registrar Center, please contact:

List of 1 members.

  • Karinda de Boom M. Ed 

    Academic Registrar
    Art & Life Skills

The following services are all provided under the Academic Registrar Center:

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  • Registering students for courses and developing their course schedules.

  • Overseeing any post-secondary enrollment opportunities for students to receive dual credit for selected courses-credit at Western Christian High School and college-level credit.

  • Providing students with applicable scholarships and assisting with the application process where appropriate.

  • - Processing transcript requests from students to their respective colleges as needed.

Discipleship Center

The Discipleship Center focuses on facilitating growth within each student’s faith as well as being intentional about growing others’ faith within the community. Together at Western Christian High School, we strive to accomplish this goal through increased clarity and remaining intentional in all we do. We believe that these are key components of deepening our faith at putting our mission into action: Learning to Serve Our King.

For more information about the Discipleship Center, please contact:

List of 1 members.

  • Karen (Peters) Christians 88

    Director of Discipleship

Our Discipleship Center aims to do the following:

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  • Secure a wide variety of speakers and finding new ways to engage students. We also assemble Faith Pack groups, providing leaders with the teaching materials, and offers assistance planning Stewardship Day.

  • Meet with students who may need spiritual support or guidance. These meetings with the Discipleship Center often involve providing a variety of support in various ways-ranging from listening, brainstorming, and lifting one other up in prayer.

  • Review and oversee the material that is used, providing support to leaders, and lifting these bible studies up in prayer.Our team sends out weekly emails containing bits of encouragement, a weekly prayer for WC, and more!

  • Participate in church explorations, pastoral visit days for the junior class students, in-depth studies of seniors’ strengths - all done within the cooperation and blessing of Mr. Verwolf.

Learning Center

At Western Christian High School, the Learning Center works vigorously to provide the tools and strategies where each member can flourish and contribute to the betterment of God’s creation. We believe that together, we are a never-ending learning community created in the name of Jesus Christ, committed to doing the good works that God has prepared us for.

At the Learning Center, we partner with our students, parents, and teachers to collectively provide our students with the tools needed to academically succeed. We believe that each student is capable of academic success, and our staff is committed to supplementing their success through the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Together, we can foster an environment that delights in God’s creation while serving one another in unconditional love.

For more information about the Learning Center, please contact:

List of 1 members.

  • Mary Dirksen M. Ed 

    Director of Support Services

The Learning Center can provide a wide variety of tools to each student, such as:

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  • Creation of personalized education approaches for students with diagnosed learning differences.

  • Accommodations for students who struggle to succeed during assessments.

  • Modifications of the core curriculum to meet the learning environment each student would thrive best in.

  • Learning Center courses are encouraged beyond a Study Hall course, allowing students to receive guided instruction where needed.

  • Assisting students with organizational skills and study strategies to continue the students’ success beyond the classroom.

  • Offerings of before-school or after-school tutorials in preparation for upcoming tests.

  • Assessments of students to offer the best possible college and career guidance.

  • ACT Preparation when applicable for students.

  • One-on-one tutoring when appropriate allows students to excel past their expectations.

Social Work

At Western Christian High School, our on-site social worker works directly with both students and their families. The goal of our social work program is to provide assistance in conquering the social-emotional challenges that may present themselves to a flourishing student. Our goal is to facilitate a safe place of communication with our students between school, home, and community providers

For more information about how our Social Work program can benefit you and your students, please contact:

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  • Abby Vanden Bosch LMSW 

    Social Worker

While the duties of Social Work go beyond what is listed, the main goals are:

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  • The School Social Worker provides assistance to students who are at-risk for school failure, or demonstrate challenging behavior such as social, emotional, or spiritual disruptions within the school setting.

  • An additional resource to students who may need supportive special education services

  • A third-party liaison between students and their home, school, or community providers to successfully access and coordinate supportive services.

  • As needed, critical crisis intervention conducted by the School Social Worker where appropriate.

Campus Safety & Student Support

Waylon Pollema serves as Western Christian's Director of Campus Safety and Student Support. Waylon works to maintain a safe educational environment for all students, faculty, and staff by performing a wide variety of supervision and education duties, and taking authoritative action in response to situational demands. Waylon oversees and manages the discipline of all students, including supervising student behavior. He also spends time leading educational programs in classrooms in an effort to reduce crime, drug abuse, violence and other issues.

For more information regarding Campus Safety and Student Support, please contact:

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  • Waylon Pollema 89

    Director of Campus Safety
    & Student Support

As Western Christian continues to grow, our Director provides support through:

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  • Maintaining a secure and supportive environment for the school community.

  • Oversee any disciplinary action of all students, including overseeing all behavior of the student body.

  • Taking authoritative action in direct response to any threat of campus security.

  • Assisting our facility in reducing crime, drug abuse, violence, and other issues.

Career & College Guidance Counselor

Receiving her MA in School Counseling and license as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Molly joins Western Christian high school with a vast knowledge of working with teens to support them academically, socially, and emotionally. Molly has served previous years working in the Admissions & Financial Aid department. We are blessed to have Molly join our WC Support Team beginning in the 2024-2025 school year!

For more information regarding Career and College Guidance Counseling, please contact:

List of 1 members.

  • Molly Khang MA, LPC 

    Career & College
    Guidance Counselor

In this position, our Guidance Counselor plans to serve our students by:

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  • Aiding students in finding their true gifts and how students can use them to excel beyond graduation.

  • Assisting students as they discover their callings, and how to act upon them.

  • Providing students the tools for success both in and out of the classroom.

  • Supporting students throughout life's many transitions, providing support as these transitions come and go.

Everything Awaits You Here at
Western Christian High School

Founded in 1919, Western Academy began as a four-year academic community accommodating grades 9-12. Renamed in the 1930s to Western Christian High School, the mission and values remain the same. Western Christian High School is dedicated to equipping our students to be faithful stewards of God’s Word.
© Western Christian High School